CalArts Crop

New Commuter Bus from Antelope Valley to SCV Industrial Center

New Commuter Bus from Antelope Valley to SCV Industrial Center

On September 25, 2018, the Antelope Valley Transit Authority (AVTA) Board of Directors approved the agency's New Employment Center Commuter Services, creating three new bus routes that will provide service to some of the North County's largest employers in the Antelope Valley and Santa Clarita. The new commuter services, to be implemented within the next 90 calendar days, will create Route 788 servicing manufacturers in the Santa Clarita area with two additional routes servicing companies in the Antelope Valley. The goal is to encourage Antelope Valley-based workers to make the positive change to using public transit as a means of getting to work.

Save the Date - Defense Supply Chain Business Resource Event

Save the Date - Defense Supply Chain Business Resource Event on October 25

Are you looking to grow and diversify your business? On October 25, businesses in Santa Clarita Valley, Antelope Valley and surrounding areas will have the unique opportunity to meet resource partners at the Northern Los Angeles County Defense Supply Chain Business Resource Event. All businesses interested or already participating in government contracting are welcome. Defense contractors or subcontractors are especially encouraged to attend.


Minimum Wage Increases a Hot Topic at SCV Forum

Minimum Wage Increases a Hot Topic at SCV Forum

Business leaders and HR professionals from a wide diversity of industry sectors gathered this week for a Minimum Wage Forum sponsored by Poole and Shaffery, LLP and hosted by the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation (SCVEDC) at College of the Canyons.

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California Reauthorizes CA Competes Tax Credit for 2018-2019

California Reauthorizes CA Competes Tax Credit for 2018-2019

Have you heard about the California Competes Tax Credit? It’s an income tax credit supporting growth of high quality jobs in California, available to businesses who want to come to, stay in, or grow in our state. Through a two-phase process, businesses apply and compete for this credit during three application periods each year.

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Nourishing Your Body - Sourcing and Manufacturing Quality Supplements

Nourishing Your Body – Sourcing and Manufacturing Quality Supplements

Nutrition isn’t probably what comes to mind when you hear the words “Advanced Manufacturing,” but it fits the bill when it comes to sourcing and creating dietary supplements, particularly in adhering to strict FDA regulations. Several manufacturers behind American health and wellness brands call SCV home and conduct research and development for their own brands (as well as aspiring ones) right in our own backyard!

Made in SCV - Paving the Way for American Manufacturing

Made in SCV – Paving the Way for American Manufacturing

When you think "Advanced Manufacturing," Santa Clarita Valley probably isn't the first thing that comes to mind. But with nearly 30 million ft of industrial and commercial property in use, and another 2 million under construction since 2015, it's clear the industry has found a home in our great valley. And who could blame them?

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SCVEDC is Your One-Stop Resource

SCVEDC is Your One-Stop Resource

We’re halfway through 2018 already! Business Assistance services continues build and we’re meeting more and more of the companies in our valley, supporting jobs growth and helping our local economy flourish. In fact, we’ve already held 60 meetings with local companies and completed close to 100 assistance requests.

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The Future is Now - Technology at the Intersection of Media and Marketing

There’s no denying that our current society is dominated by technology. Go anywhere – the gym, the grocery store, even the park – and you’ll see countless people looking down at the screens in their hands. Even restaurants cater to the addiction, with many sporting free Wi-Fi and televisions in prominent places for their patrons to encourage them to stay longer and consume more.

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Minimum Wage Forum August 1, 2018

Minimum Wage Forum August 1, 2018

As of July 1, mandated minimum wages in the Santa Clarita Valley will be up to $2.25 per hour higher for businesses west of the 5 Fwy (County of LA) than for those east of the 5 (City of Santa Clarita). 


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Career Kickstarter: 5 Advantages of Taking an Internship

Career Kickstarter: 5 Advantages of Taking an Internship

Last week we talked about the myriad ways companies can benefit from taking on an intern or two.

Today we’d like to flip the script and address all the young people out there – those of you who know what “on fleek” means and can name one or more of the current or former One Direction members. 😊

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The Millennial Edge: 5 Advantages of Offering an Internship

The Millennial Edge: 5 Advantages of Offering an Internship

If you’ve never personally taken an internship, know that the great ones always involve more than just fetching coffee and sorting mail.

A great internship is a true partnership. The young person gets valuable, real-world experience (and, sometimes, a nominal paycheck), and in exchange the business gets an asset that, with a little investment, gives a return that’s near impossible to achieve with regular employees.

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Women in Business

Women in Business

With Women’s History Month (March) and International Women’s Day (March 8), specifically, on the horizon, we felt it would be appropriate to recognize the contributions and success women locally have achieved – economically, politically, and socially!

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SCVEDC 2017 Annual Report

SCVEDC Annual Report

The Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation (SCVEDC) continues its mission of strengthening companies and unifying our region’s approach to economic development. Our overarching goals are to support the creation of high-paying jobs for our trained workforce, stimulate economic activity that grows the regional tax base, and strategically position the Santa Clarita Valley (SCV) and its businesses to better compete in the global economy.

2018 - Live, Work, Play in SCV

2018 - Live, Work, Play in SCV

January – a time to reflect on the previous year’s successes and set goals for the new year.  2017 was an exceptional year for the Santa Clarita Valley economy, and 2018 promises even more positive growth! Here are seven reasons for optimism:


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FDA Approves Investigational Device Exemption for SetPoint Bioelectronic Therapy Clinical Study in Rheumatoid Arthritis

FDA Approves Investigational Device Exemption for SetPoint Bioelectronic Therapy Clinical Study in Rheumatoid Arthritis

SetPoint Medical, a clinical-stage biomedical technology company developing an implantable bioelectronic medicine therapy for chronic inflammatory diseases, has received Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) approval from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) to initiate a pilot trial in the U.S. for patients with drug refractory rheumatoid arthritis (RA). SetPoint’s proprietary bioelectronic device will be surgically placed on the vagus nerve and activated based on a predetermined dosage schedule to evaluate safety and efficacy.

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4 Business Resources Every Startup Needs

4 Business Resources Every Startup Needs


Good news, entrepreneurs: almost everyone wants to see you succeed.

Since September, we’ve been posting a lot of tips and resources to help you realize your startup dreams. That’s not an accident; it’s what we’re here to do. When you succeed, our community succeeds. Startup companies help create almost all new jobs in America, and startup innovations enrich our lives.

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California Competes Tax Credit Applications Start January 2, 2018

California Competes Tax Credit Applications Start January 2, 2018

Have you heard about the California Competes Tax Credit (CCTC)? This program is open to any business planning to create new full-time jobs in the state, regardless of size or location.

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Boeing to Invest in Santa Clarita Aerospace & Defense Company

Boeing to Invest in Santa Clarita Aerospace & Defense Company

Boeing announced its investment in Santa Clarita-basted Gamma Alloys, a leader in aluminum alloys focused on developing advanced metal-matrix composites for use in aerospace, automotive and other industries.

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CyberSecurity Looms Large for SCV Aerospace & Defense Companies

CyberSecurity Looms Large for SCV Aerospace & Defense Companies

Santa Clarita is home to more than 90 companies serving the Aerospace & Defense industry – either as Tier 1 suppliers to Department of Defense prime contractors such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing or Northop Grumman, or as Tier 2 or Tier 3 subcontractors.

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Business is Thriving in the SCV

We all know Santa Clarita for the master-planned communities, excellent school systems, expansive parks and trails, and overall awesome lifestyle. Many local residents, however, are unaware of what's growing in our valley: business. While most of us drive from one end of this "small town" to the other, we rarely stop to notice that Santa Clarita is home to some major industry giants: Six Flags, Princess Cruises, Quest Diagnostics, Advanced Bionics, Samsung, Sunkist and soon, Logix Federal Credit Union.

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Business Retention Grows Jobs

A key role of the SCVEDC is to attract new companies to the Santa Clarita Valley that bring high-quality jobs. With announcements of the relocation of companies such as Sunkist and the SCVEDC's recent trip to China to attract foreign investment, in might be easy to think that business attraction is the only way to grow jobs.

Top 5 Myths about the Santa Clarita Valley

The Santa Clarita Valley is a great place, but there are a lot of misperceptions about it. I hear a lot of beliefs about the SCV that just aren't true, so let's take a look at the top myths:

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