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Minimum Wage Increases for Unincorporated SCV Businesses on July 1

Minimum Wage Increases for Businesses in Unincorporated LA County on July 1

Are you confused about the minimum wage increases? You’re not alone! The Santa Clarita Valley is in an especially unique situation in that the City of Santa Clarita and the County of Los Angeles have two different minimum wage increase schedules which has caused confusion and challenges for many of our local employers and residents alike.

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LiveWorkSCV - the FREE Job Board for SCV Residents & Employers - The FREE Job Board for SCV Residents & Employers


As the economy begins the reopening process, many SCV residents have found themselves either searching for a new job after being furloughed or laid off, or are seeking a career closer to home due to continuing uncertainty. SCVEDC is here to help.

The New Economic Outlook - A Slow Recovery on the Way

The New Economic Outlook - A Slow and Bumpy Recovery on the Way?

SCVEDC recently hosted a webinar with Dr. Mark Schniepp from the California Economic Forecast to get an update on the current state of the economy and learn what has changed over the past few months. This webinar was part of a series co-hosted with the SCV Chamber and funded in part by a grant from the Wells Fargo Foundation. Here is a brief recap of the New Economic Outlook as presented by Dr. Schniepp:

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8 Steps to Speed the Economic Recovery for All

8 Steps to Speed the Economic Recovery for All


This op-ed was originally published in the Santa Clarita Valley Signal


The Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corp. is a public-private partnership focused on growing jobs in the Santa Clarita Valley. Economic development will be more important than ever going forward, and all of our partners will play a role in the recovery of our economy.

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SCVEDC & SCV Chamber Host Back2Business Webinar Series


SCVEDC and SCV Chamber Host Back2Business Webinar Series to Aid Businesses in Reopening


The Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation in partnership with the SCV Chamber of Commerce launched a webinar series in May to provide insights on many aspects that businesses need to consider as they plan strategies for rescaling and reopening. This Back2Business series, supported by a grant from Wells Fargo Foundation, uniquely engages SCV business and community leadership in sharing their experiences to date, outlook in the coming months, and practical guidance to both B2B and B2C businesses in the Santa Clarita Valley. Seven webinars were held in May.

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SCVEDC CEO selected to participate in Business - Corporate/Manufacturing Working Group

SCVEDC CEO selected to participate in Business - Corporate/Manufacturing Working Group as part of LA County’s new Economic Resiliency Task Force


Holly Schroeder, President & CEO of the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation has been invited by Supervisor Kathryn Barger to participate in the Business – Corporate / Manufacturing working group that will report to the County’s new Economic Resiliency Task Force. The Task Force met for the first time on Friday, May 8, 2020.

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Economic Development - More Important than Ever

Economic Development - More Important than Ever

This is an op-ed originally published in the Signal by SCVEDC Co-Chairs Calvin Hedman and Roger Seaver.


This week is National Economic Development week and the timing couldn’t be more perfect. As we look ahead to reopening the economy, economic development is going to be more important than ever.

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CALED Recognizes Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation’s Job Board during Economic Development Week

The California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED) announced today to their members that SCVEDC was awarded their prestigious 2019 Award of Excellence in the Programs category for their job board. CALED’s annual competition invites economic development members to submit application in four categories, with one Award of Excellence selected for each. The timing coincides with the International Economic Development Council’s Economic Development Week, designed to increase awareness for local programs that create jobs, advance career development opportunities and increase the quality of life in communities everywhere.



SANTA CLARITA, CA – The Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation (SCVEDC) joins cities nationwide to increase awareness of the positive work economic developers do to enhance local economic impact.

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Scaling Up: Back2Business Webinar Series to Ensure Businesses Are Ready for a Post COVID-19 World


SCV Businesses Pursue CARES Act/COVID 3.5 Funding

SCV Businesses Pursue CARES Act/COVID 3.5 Funding


With the new $484 billion coronavirus stimulus bill signed by the President today, hope is renewed for SCV businesses to obtain COVID-19 financial relief. The new bill brings $310 billion to replenish the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), with additional guarantees that a portion of the funds must be granted by smaller lenders that cater to truly small, local businesses. At least $60 billion must be granted for PPP by small banks, community financial institutions, and credit unions.

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The Future of Workplaces -- Post COVID-19

The Future of Workplaces -- Post COVID-19


Despite the fact that so much is still unknown, employers are already beginning to consider how their workplaces will look and operate after “stay at home” orders are lifted. And while the future is impossible to predict, we can already see changes in how people do work, where they do work and how workplaces are configured that might give us some insight.

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SCVEDC Honors Power Brokers of 2019

SCVEDC Honors the Power Brokers of 2019

Here at the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation, we’re invested not just in growing our local businesses, but attracting great companies to the region with a focus on industries that provide our residents with high quality, high paying jobs.

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SCV Community Steps-Up During Coronavirus Crisis

SCV Community Steps-Up During Coronavirus Crisis

The Santa Clarita Valley has had more than its fair share of challenges this year, and the current COVID-19 pandemic is certainly one of them. But despite it all, our tight-knit community has a reputation for stepping up and taking care of each other. From folks offering to run errands for elderly or sick neighbors to businesses finding creative solutions in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, I am in awe of how our community responds to difficult situations.

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Protect Your Remote Workers from Cyber Risks

Protect Your Remote Workers from Cyber Risks

You may feel bombarded by Covid-19. Wow, the escalation is almost unbelievable. We have had several clients contact us in recent days with the need to setup remote employees.  Everyone wants or needs to work from home. As a result, our call volumes have increased about 40% with the vast majority being related to these changes. As we transition our clients into home work environments, we have discovered some risks we want to make everyone aware of.

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17 Steps to Help Your Business Deal with Coronavirus

17 Steps to Help Your Business Deal with Coronavirus



Social distancing is key


SCVEDC presents the following recommendations to help businesses weather the slowdown caused by coronavirus as recommended by LAEDC.  As with any recommendations, we ask readers to evaluate the merit of each, based on their own organization’s needs. Businesses which are experiencing significant economic harm can contact SCVEDC for strategic assistance, confidentially and at no cost, as part of SCVEDC’s nonprofit mission. Email for assistance or call our office. 661.288.4400. For local information on the Coronavirus CLICK HERE.

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Spotlight: Leading Med Tech Companies that Call SCV Home

Spotlight: Leading Med Tech Companies that Call SCV Home

The Santa Clarita Valley (SCV) is home to a growing cluster of medical device and bioscience companies that are leading the way in the discovery and engineering of noteworthy advancements in the field. Alfred Mann made the SCV the headquarters of several cutting-edge companies, housing many of them in the Southern California Innovation Park (formerly Mann Biomedical Park) and nearby industrial centers. SCV’s high quality of life, strong training infrastructure and talented workforce are just a few factors that make our region an ideal location for medical device and bioscience companies. Let’s take a look at just a few medical device and biotech companies that call SCV home.


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SCV-Based 247 Events Announces Major Expansion

Santa Clarita Valley-based 24/7 Events Announces Major Expansion


24-7 Events, a nationwide event equipment rental company based in Santa Clarita, CA, announced its expansion into a newly constructed industrial property located within the Valencia Commerce Center in Valencia, Calif.


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SCVEDC Receives CALED Award of Excellence

SCVEDC Receives CALED Award of Excellence


The Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation received a significant recognition this week from the California Association for Local Economic Development and has been honored with an Award of Excellence in their Programs Category for our job board

2019 - Another Year of Growth and Development for SCV

2019 - Another Year of Growth and Development for the Santa Clarita Valley


Each year, the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation (SCVEDC) compiles an annual report that details our key accomplishments that help us further our mission. Our organization gets stronger each year and is supported by a fantastic Board of Directors. This dynamic group of leaders is dedicated to the Santa Clarita Valley (SCV) and we could not do what we do without them. SCVEDC remains focused on 4 key areas: business attraction & expansion, business retention, community marketing, and economic research and data.

New Development = Job Creation

New Development = Job Creation

New development might seem undesirable to some, but there are a wide range of positive effects it can have on the local economy. A whole host of jobs are required just to build one building: contractors, managers, engineers, and inspectors are just some of the many jobs that new development requires. However, the impact of new commercial, industrial, and standard office development on job creation reaches far beyond new construction. After all, once the development is completed it isn’t finished creating jobs. Manufacturing companies, offices and retail locations need employees. These are all things that grow the local economy and help it to thrive.

OK Boomer - Make Way for the Rise of the Millennials

Ok Boomer – Make Way for the Rise of the Millennials

It’s a little-known fact, but Millennials make up the largest generation in the U.S. and California. In 2018 there were 11.2 million Millennials in the state and fewer than 9.3 million people in any other generation. Millennials are also the largest generation in SCV at 81,000, placing them ahead of the 76,000 Baby Boomers.


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Three Ways Workplace Education Encourages Employees

Three Ways Workplace Education Can Encourage Employees

With the constantly evolution across multiple industries and even within individual jobs, it’s no surprise that learning new skills is becoming both a requirement and expectation. It’s no longer enough to go back to school; instead, learning has become a continuous process the workforce is expected to integrate into daily operations to keep up with a business’ growing needs.

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SCVEDC to Join TeamCalifornia at MD&M West

SCVEDC to Join TeamCalifornia at MD&M West


Next month the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation will join TeamCalifornia as exhibitors at Medical Design & Manufacturing (MD&M) West, the world's largest medical design and manufacturing event on February 11-13, 2020. This expo provides professionals in the industry the ability to network, swap ideas, find inspiration, overcome challenges, and source products so they can continue to develop the latest and greatest medical devices.


SCVEDC Hosts Local Companies for Roundtable on China Trade

SCVEDC Hosts Local Companies for Roundtable on China Trade

SCVEDC was approached in early December by U.S. Commercial Service, U.S. Department of Commerce with an invitation to coordinate an event on doing business in China. A Roundtable was convened on January 7, 2020 with business leaders of local companies that are currently exporting to China or are interested in learning how they can expand their trade into this country. The venue also gave businesses the opportunity to discuss their challenges in China trade and learn how U.S. Commercial Service can assist in global expansion.

WayForward Technologies - Independent Video Game Developer in SCV

Wayforward Technologies - An Independent Video Game Developer and Publisher in SCV

Are you a gamer, or do you know one? Chances are they're familiar with the characters and games developed by this Santa Clarita Valley company.


Five Point Holdings Announces the Sale of First Homesites at New Community in the Santa Clarita Valley

Five Point Holdings, LLC Announces the Sale of First Homesites at new Community in the Santa Clarita Valley

Five Point Holdings, LLC announced the sale of 781 homesites at Valencia (formerly Newhall Ranch) in the fourth quarter of 2019. The Company closed on 711 of these homesites, and the balance is anticipated to close in the first half of this year. The proceeds from the closed homesites were approximately $135 million.

January Marks Another Minimum Wage Increase in the City of Santa Clarita

January Marks Another Minimum Wage Increase in the City of Santa Clarita

Are you confused about the minimum wage increases? You’re not alone! The Santa Clarita Valley is in an especially unique situation in that the City of Santa Clarita and the County of Los Angeles have two different minimum wage increase schedules which has caused confusion and challenges for many of our local employers and residents alike. The City increases its wages in keeping with the State of California’s schedule (January - December), while the County of Los Angeles has adopted a wage increase schedule based on their fiscal calendar (July - June).

Five New Year's Resolutions for Employers

Five New Year’s Resolutions for Employers

The start of a new year brings the inevitable personal New Year’s Resolutions. While those are often fleeting, this can be a great time for employers to assess their priorities and take action to build a great team. Here are my recommendations for five New Year’s Resolutions that will help strengthen your business in 2020 and beyond.


Get Prepared to Apply for California Competes Tax Credit in January

California Competes Tax Credit Application Starts in January

Have you heard about the California Competes Tax Credit? It’s a state income tax credit supporting growth of high quality jobs in California, available to businesses who want to come to, stay in, or grow in our state. Through a two-phase process, businesses apply and compete for this credit during three application periods each fiscal year.

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