
Go-Biz To Host Tax Credit Webinars

Written by Sue Arellano | Mar 4, 2019 5:21:04 PM

Go-Biz Hosting Webinars for Businesses Interested in Applying for Tax Credits

Have you heard about the California Competes Tax Credit?  It’s an income tax credit supporting growth of high quality jobs in California, available to businesses who want to come to, stay in, or grow in our state. Through a two-phase process, businesses apply and compete for this credit during three application periods each year. It’s just one of the many business services the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation (SCVEDC) supports in the Santa Clarita Valley, another great reason to explore relocating to the SCV. 

Phase I is an online application process, where businesses submit information on their 5-year growth plans including a comprehensive description of their growth project, projected new hires and wages, projected amount of investment equipment and facilities, and their requested tax credit.  A cost-benefit ratio is then calculated, and companies with the most advantageous cost-benefit ratio move on to Phase II for final negotiation and selection.

The next application period is March 2-March 25, 2019 with at least $74 million available.  Applications will be accepted online at California Competes Tax Credit.  Businesses interested in applying can register to view a live webinar explaining the application process:


Complete List of Upcoming Webinars

March 6, 2019
Details and Registration
March 12, 2019
Details and Registration
March 18, 2019
Details and Registration

The California Competes Tax Credit awards are based on 12 factors:

  • Number of jobs created or retained
  • Compensation paid to employees
  • Amount of investment
  • Duration of proposed project and commitment to remain in this state
  • Extent of unemployment or poverty in business area
  • Extent the benefit to the state exceeds the amount of the tax credit
  • Incentives available in other states
  • Opportunity for future growth and expansion
  • Other incentives available in California
  • Overall economic impact
  • Strategic importance to the state, region, or locality
  • Training opportunities offered to employees

The awarded credit is applied to the CA state income tax due to the Franchise Tax Board, and is non-refundable and includes a six tax year carry-over provision.  Also, it’s tied to achieving contractual milestones (such as hiring and/or investment) and is subject to recapture provisions.


The California Competes Tax Credit agreements are negotiated by GO-Biz and approved by a statutorily created “California Competes Tax Credit Committee,” which consists of the State Treasurer, the Director of the Department of Finance, the Director of GO-Biz and one appointee each by the Speaker of the Assembly and the Senate Committee on Rules.


By ensuring businesses in the SCV or those considering the move to the SCV have current information regarding the various resources available, the SCVEDC helps maintain and expand a vibrant business community in the SCV.  It’s just one of the business services provided by the SCVEDC for businesses in the Santa Clarita Valley.  Contact the SCVEDC today and learn more.


The Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation (SCVEDC) is a unique private / public partnership representing the united effort of regional industry and government leaders. The SCVEDC utilizes an integrated approach to attracting, retaining and expanding a diversity of businesses in the Santa Clarita Valley, especially those in key industry clusters, by offering competitive business services and other resources.