CalArts Crop

Jana Adkins

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Aerospace Firm Moves to Valencia from No. Hollywood; Good Vibe

Aerospace company Air Bolt Group of North Hollywood signed a 10-year lease in March for an 8,500 square foot building on Avenue Crocker in the Valencia Industrial Center. NAI Capital helped broker the deal. Additional terms of the lease were not disclosed. Air Bolt manufactures latches, struts, buts and bolts for commercial aircraft.


Top Commercial Brokers Recognized

The region’s top commercial real estate brokers were honored Thursday by the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation.

Imagining Potential for Film Growth at Disney's Golden Oak Ranch

Film industry people, studio and movie ranch owners and operators, and members of the Santa Clarita Economic Development Corporation executive committee and board gathered to tour the Disney’s Golden Oak Ranch – the land that Walt Disney first acquired in 1959.

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Mann Biomedical Park Sold


The Mann Biomedical Park on Rye Canyon Road has been sold to Santa Clarita contractor Dale Donohoe of Intertex Companies, Donohoe confirmed Wednesday.

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Ram Board Relocates to SCV

Looking to expand, Ram Board has selected Santa Clarita as the site for its new home base.

The Burbank company will be moving over 30 employees into space in the Valencia Industrial Center, said Holly Schroeder, president and CEO of the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation.

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