CalArts Crop

Christopher Girdwood

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Santa Clarita Use Tax Rebate Program. Enroll Today!

Does your business pay Use Tax? If so you may be eligible to direct a large portion of your Use Tax back to Santa Clarita’s general fund for public safety, parks, libraries, infrastructure and other City services and receive a cash rebate on a portion of the Use Tax remitted to the City.

Not Your Grandfather’s Manufacturing Career!

The 2014 SCV Manufacturing Day Evening Event will take place at the College of the Canyons on October 2nd. If you think you know what modern manufacturing is – you better think again!


Manufacturing Sales Tax Exemption

Beginning on July 1, 2014 SCV manufacturers can obtain a partial sales tax exemption on certain equipment purchased or leased. This economic development incentive was created to improve the cost of doing business for California manufacturers.

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Supervisor Antonovich Leads Trade Mission to China

A quick glance at the label of my spring coat takes me half way around the world to Malaysia. Come to think of it, I could easily travel to ten or twenty countries by simply reviewing the components in my cellular phone. This phenomenon is often referred to as globalization, and it entails much more than the movement of production facilities to low-cost regions. It about exercising trust between multiple parties who were raised in extraordinary cultures, speak different languages, and most importantly – manufacture the physical components of our life.

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